Voice Conference FAQ
What is voice conferencing?
Voice conferencing is when you bring multiple people in different locations together to connect and communicate via a telephone call. Conference calls are a form of audio conferencing.
What are the benefits of voice conferencing?
Voice conferencing allows lots of people in different locations to connect and coordinate quickly. The major benefit of audio conferencing is that it eliminates travel costs for in-person meetings and enables efficient and cost-effective long-distance collaboration.
Where is voice conferencing available?
Voice conferencing is available worldwide. CommsChoice voice conferencing offers geographical dial-in numbers in more than 6000 cities across the globe.
How do I join a voice conference?
Using your phone, dial the toll or toll-free number provided in the conference call invite from the organiser. Once connected, enter the Conference Room ID followed by the # key.
What’s the maximum number of participants I can include on a conference call?
You can accommodate up to 100 people calling from anywhere in the world.